Next Course: TBA

For anyone who is new to archery or have not shot for a long time, you are most welcome to come down to club at a pre-arranged time to participate in a “Taster Session” which will consist of an hour’s introduction to the club, meet the members and have a try on one of the club bows to see if you will like archery before you commit to enrolling on our beginners course.

After a Taster Session you will be required to undertake a beginner’s course which we run periodically. If you have already completed a course in another club then you will be required to provide proof of completion, either by certificate or an email from the previous club secretary confirming participation or provide a current GNAS / Archery GB .

The beginners’ course will consist of approx 6-10 hrs of coaching from a qualified GNAS /Archery GB or WFAA coach.

Get in touch via the Contact Form or via our Facebook page to book on to the next course.

At the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion, which you can use to join any archery club.

Insight into what the course covers is as follows;

• Introduction to the Coaches
• Basic safety rules
• Kitting you out with bow, arrows etc
• Demonstration of how to shoot a bow
• Start shooting at target 12 yards away (122cm target face)
• Shooting at 15 yards (122cm target face)
• Shooting at 20 yards (122cm target face)
• Introduction to scoring
• Short competition
• Assessment
• What are the Next steps?